A one-stop source for medical information on common medical disorders, conditions, tests, treatments, drugs, and other health-related topics, including high-profile diseases.
(n.d.) Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. (2008). ... thiamine+(vitamin+B1)thiamine+(vitamin+B1)*[This reference included all the aforementioned *[This refere B vitamins—redirected from “thiamine (vitamin B1)” reference site] 16betaine.
PiPer betle It is commonly used in South American herbal medicine for internal bleeding, particularly within the digestive tract—for example, rectal bleeding and hemorrhoids. It is also taken for bleeding in the urinary tract.
Doman's publications include How to Teach Your Baby to Read (1964/1994), What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child ... How to Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence (1984/1994), and How to Teach Your Baby to Be Physically Superb (1988/1994).
Contains articles that provide information about alternative medicine, covering complementary therapies, herbs and remedies, and common diseases and conditions; and includes sidebar biographies, cross-references, and resources. Arranged alphabetically from D-to-K.
Presents a four-volume alphabetically-arranged medical reference set that examines a variety of supplemental therapies and herbal remedies along with treatments for certain conditions and diseases.
Gifford and Seltz, Fundamentals of Flexible Compensation. Manin, M. B., Sciandra, F. G., and Frayling, L. Flexible Benefits Answer Book: 1999 Supplement. ... Tax Policy: Effects of Changing the Tax Treatment of Fringe Benefits.
Provides in-depth coverage of neurological diseases and disorders, including stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, Tourette Syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, cerebral palsy, vertigo, amnesia, and epilepsy, targeted to patients, their families and...
Tish Davidson, “Pancreas Transplantation,” in Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, vol. 4., ed. Donna Olendorf, Christine Jeryan, and Karen Boyden (Detroit, ... in Her Own Words,” New York Times, August 5, 2002, The Arts, YNE, B1, pp. 23–24.
As public interest grows and business booms in the area of holistic medicine, reliable information that separates medical fact from folklore is more important than ever. In the 2nd edition...
Tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and minerals