... Pubs : Sharon Thomson Greatest Hits 1973-2000 , Home Again ( Pudding Hse , 2001 , 2000 ) , Many Lights in Many Windows ... Pubs : Greatest Hits : 1965-2000 ( Pudding House Pubs , 2001 ) , Beastmorts ( Cleveland State U Poetry Ctr ...
Features bibliographical, biographical and contact information for living authors worldwide who have at least one English publication.
The Writers Directory: Se-Z. Volume 5
The Writers Directory
The Writers Directory: Mc-Se. Volume 4
Features bibliographical, biographical and contact information for living authors worldwide who have at least one English publication.
The Writers Directory: Vol. 1: A-L. 2004
The Writers Directory: Obituaries and Indexes. Volume 6
Literary Nonfiction. California Interest. Edited by Charles McLeod. A Vacaville rodeo. Hollywood quid pro quo. A verbal altercation at a Buddhist retreat. Nearly starving to death in the farmlands of Clovis.
Kept up to date by: Poets and writers, inc. The Supplement.