Step-by-step guide to drawing the world's coolest superheroes.
In Stan Lee's How to Draw Comics, Stan Lee reveals his secrets for: * Costumes * Penciling, Inking & Coloring * Lettering & Word Balloons * Digital Advances * Perspective & Foreshortening * What Makes Great Action * Page & Panel Layout * ...
This full color addition to Troll's bestselling How to Draw series teaches kids how to render the greatest X-Men, including Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Professor Xavier, and more. Illustrations.
The third installment in comics icon Stan Lee's series showing readers how to draw some of the most exciting and dynamic superheroes of all time.
Case credits, pencil roughs by Larry Houston, finishes and inks by Rick Hoberg, colors by Laura Martin.
Helps you learn to draw step by step as it explores more advanced techniques, such as composition and perspective.
Produced in the one-and-only, accept-no-imitations, multi-Eisner Award-winning Artist's Edition format. For any fan of Jim Lee, this book will soon become a cherished centerpiece of your collection!
The well-known comic book artist offers tips on creating original heroic figures and comics, including advice on the language of storytelling and narrative technique.
The X-Men battle against the legacy virus; fight to save Betsy's life after she is mauled by Sabretooth; and try to stay alive in the face of the imperialistic Shi'Ar and their enemies, the mechanical Phalanx.
A latest entry in the series by the National Medal of Arts-winning comics icon demonstrates how to draw superhero characters in the style of Marvel favorites, demystifying specific tools and techniques while sharing advice for also creating ...
These essays show just why these mutants have such astonishing endurance and staying power. Contributors trace the series' evolution, challenge its metaphors and draw from its truths about human nature and society.