The Gospel of Luke From the Outside In

The Gospel of Luke From the Outside In
Lifeway Church Resources
David Morlan, Don A. Carson


The Gospel of Luke: From the Outside In - Member Book offers rich spiritual content that is biblically rooted and gospel centered. It includes a small-group experience for 12 small-group sessions, individual study, applicable Scripture, and a group discussion guide written by Dave Morlan, Ph.D and edited by D.A. Carson. Luke brings the gospel of Jesus from the outside in. From start to finish he depicts Jesus as accessible to the unknowns, the outcast, the lost, and the hopeless. Luke shows the stunning embrace of the returned prodigal son and the embittered response of his "righteous" brother. Luke displays Jesus' invitation to Zacchaeus, the hated tax collector eavesdropping on Jesus from the outside and shows the grumbling response of the crowd on the inside: "He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner." As Jesus' ministry continues, Luke points out that Jesus' desire was not just to call sinners but to call sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32). That is, through Him sinners could find reconciliation with God. As a result, this return to God by outsiders causes insiders to re-evaluate the biblical story and examine what the foundation of their relationship with God ought to be. Features: Rich spiritual content Personal study segments Leader material Benefits: Gain a greater awareness of God's work on "the fringes" Learn to recognize the tendency in believers toward insular Christianity Understand who Jesus is, why He died, and what His resurrection means Be assured of a trusted teacher in every group via the video teaching of D.A. Carson Gain personal spiritual growth through individual time with content Inspire your group members to greater evangelistic action Authors: Dave Morlan (PhD, University of Durham) is co-founder and teaching pastor of Fellowship Denver Church, located in downtown Denver. He is the author of Conversion in Luke and Paul: An Exegetical and Theological Exploration. He married Ren'e in 2000, and they have three boisterous sons: Will, Ian, and Beckett. D.A. Carson (PhD, University of Cambridge) is research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He is co-founder (with Tim Keller) and president of The Gospel Coalition. He and his wife, Joy, reside in Libertyville, Illinois. They have two children.