This book contains all the necessary content to pass the CPC exam. It includes all the content information for the exam AND two full practice exams with answers and rationales. Using a general outline format, the text covers Anatomy, Terminology, and Pathophysiology for each body area, Reimbursement Issues, and an overview of CPT, ICD-9-CM, and HCPCS Coding. It also includes a bound-in CD-ROM with a practice pre-text exam modeled after the actual AAPC CPC certification exam along with final exam. Basic outline format, with figures for reference as needed, provides quick and easy review for student. Text highlights important content information required to pass the CPC exam. Bound-in CD-ROM contains a pre- and post-test practice exam to give students more practice with the electronic format, especially now that actual CPC exam is administered via computer. CD-ROM also contains Final Exam modeled after the actual AAPC CPC certification exam.
With the expert insight of leading coding educator Carol J. Buck, this complete exam review highlights the content you'll need to master to pass the AHIMA CCS certification exam and take your coding career to the next step.
This book highlights important content necessary to pass the CPC-H exam.
This complete exam review highlights important content necessary to pass the CPC exam.
From Examination to Outcome Mia Erickson, Mia L. Erickson, Rebecca McKnight, Ralph Utzman. a . The patient said that her pain ... Mrs. Pearson's son has brought her to see a therapist in an outpatient clinic . The patient's son says the ...
Integrated Health Records
Much more than a calendar, this planner is a versatile organizational tool, a quick-reference nursing orientation handbook, and a telephone and address directory.
Preceded by Saunders student nurse planner 2014-2015 / Susan C. deWit. Tenth edition. 2015.
Medical Record: Examination Review
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The second edition of Fundamentals of Law for Health Informatics and Information Management updates and expands the 2009 edition.