Roy and Fraunfelder's Current Ocular Therapy

Roy and Fraunfelder's Current Ocular Therapy
Elsevier Health Sciences
Frederick T. Fraunfelder, Frederick W. Fraunfelder, Frederick Hampton Roy


This book is designed to be concise with a consistent format so that the clinician can focus on a specific area. This edition has had major modifications and embraces evidence-based medicine. The format includes the CPT codes for billing purposes, short description of the condition, etiology/incidence, course/prognosis, laboratory findings, differential diagnosis; prophylaxis, treatment (local and systemic, surgical or other), miscellaneous (names and addresses of support groups) and key references. Incorporates evidence-based medicine so you feel confident that you're formulating the best treatment plans for your patients.Color photos allow you to read about and actually see a picture of select disease entities.Clear, concise format can be photocopied and distributed to patients in some cases, reducing your time spent explaining problems to patients and caregivers.

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