This convenient, money-saving package is a must-have for students training for a career in medical terminology. It includes Medical Terminology Online to accompany Medical Terminology: A Short Course, 4e (user guide and access code) and the Medical Terminology: A Short Course, 4e text.
Contains clinical information and case studies in every chapter, information on complementary and alterative medicine, new and updated full-colour illustrations, new and expanded exercises, a new crossword puzzle in each of the chapters in ...
Medical Terminology: Language for Healthcare
PRONOUNCING MEDICAL WORDS Beginning with Chapter 4 , all the medical words introduced will include a phonetic spelling so ... As a further help in learning to pronounce medical terms , a CD - ROM with an audio pronunciation glossary is ...
Medical Terminology Online with Elsevier Adaptive Learning for the Language of Medicine (Access Code and Textbook Package)
This online course amplifies the text content, promotes better understanding of concepts presented in the text, reinforces learning, and demonstrates the practical application of medical language.
4 E (From Weinstein WM, Hawkey CJ, Bosch J: Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, St. Louis, 2005, Mosby.) 1. The arrows in this image show abnormal, precancerous, neoplastic lesions in the colon. They are: a. polyps b. fibroids c.
Organized to follow the textbook on a chapter-by-chapter basis, providing questions to help the student review the material presented in the chapter.
The perfect online companion to LaFleur's Exploring Medical Language, 8th Edition, Medical Terminology Online enhances your learning experience and helps you develop the specialized vocabulary and word analysis skills you'll need for ...
CD-ROM contains: Program that assists with word building and definition.
This money-saving package includes Medical Terminology Online to Accompany Exploring Medical Language (User Guide and Access Code), the 8th edition of Exploring Medical Language Textbook and Audio CDs for Exploring Medical Language.