Atlas of Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery

Atlas of Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery
Elsevier Health Sciences
Jay T. Bishoff


Table of Contents - 1. Basic Techniques - Access (Transperitoneal, Retroperitoneal), Retraction, Closure, Staples, Clip Appliers. 2. Laparoscopic Suturing. 3. Simple Nephrectomy Transperitoneal. 4. Radical Nephrectomy Transperitoneal. 5. Radical Nephrectomy Retroperitoneal. 6. Nephroureterectomy. 7. Partial Nephrectomy. 8. Donor Nephrectomy. 9. Hand Assist Nephrectomy - Radical, Simple, Donor. 10. Renal Biopsy. 11. Nephropexy. 12. Calyceal Diverticulum. 13. Renal Cyst Decortication - Simple Cyst, Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Disease. 14. Pyeloplasty. 15. Adrenalectomy. 16. Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection. 17. Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection - Limited, Extensive. 18. Prostatectomy Preperitoneal Approach. 19. Prostatectomy Transperitoneal Approach. 20. Cystectomy - Ileal Conduit, Neobladder. 21. Diverticulectomy. 22. Laparoscopic Sacroculpopexy. 23. Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy. 24. Cryptorchidism. 25. Varicocele Ligation. 26. Treatment of Complications - Vascular, Gastrointestinal, Thoracic.

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