Practical and authoritative, this new edition delivers easy access to the latest advances in the diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal disorders and other common conditions requiring rehabilitation. Each topic is presented in a concise, focused, and well-illustrated two-color format featuring a description of the condition, discussion of symptoms, examination findings, functional limitations, and diagnostic testing. The treatment section is extensive and covers initial therapies, rehabilitation interventions, procedures, and surgery. From sore shoulders in cancer patients to spinal cord injuries, Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2nd Edition provides you with the knowledge you need to face every challenge you confront. Offers practical, clinically relevant material for the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. Discusses physical agents and therapeutic exercise in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of disorders that produce pain, impairment, and disability. Presents a consistent chapter organization that delivers all the content you need in a logical, practical manner. Presents a new co-editor, Thomas D. Rizzo, Jr., MD, and a pool of talented contributors who bring you fresh approaches to physical medicine and rehabilitation. Offers current evidence and expert guidance to help you make more accurate diagnoses and chose the best treatment option for each patient. Features an entirely new section on pain management so you can help your patients reach their full recovery potential. Incorporates redrawn artwork that makes every concept and technique easier to grasp. Includes updated ICD-9 codes giving you complete information for each disorder.
The book also provides a handy review for passing PM&R board exams. Every medical student and junior resident needs a basic introductory survey that concisely presents all of the critical information underlying their specialty.
This book on physical medicine and rehabilitation deals with the study and practice of enhancing and improving functional ability of those who suffer from physical impairments and disabilities.
Krogh K, Christensen P, Sabroe S, et al.: Neurogenic bowel dysfunction score, Spinal Cord 44:625–631, 2006. 85. Krogh K, Christensen P: Neurogenic colorectal and pelvic floor dysfunction, Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 23:531–543, ...
Praise for the Third Edition: “The author has done it again, producing an excellent, concise resource that provides clinicians with an optimal solution for studying for the written board examination." © Doody’s Review Service, 2015, ...
Divided into four sections, the book covers all rehabilitation topics and is packed with practical information useful in daily practice, including disease-specific order sets and tips for managing the wide range of issues that commonly ...
This edition has eight new chapters including evidence-based rehabilitation; robotic therapies; emerging technologies and interventions; and neural repair and plasticity.
Crue BL, Todd EM: The importance of flexion in cervical halter traction, Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc 30:95–98, 1965. Cyriax J: Conservative treatment of lumbar disclesions, Physiotherapy 50:300–303, 1964. Cyriax J, Russell G: Textbook ...
The book also provides a handy review for passing PM&R board exams. Every medical student and junior resident needs a basic introductory survey that concisely presents all of the critical information underlying their specialty.
Lymphedema: diagnosis and treatment, In: C.H. Thorne (Ed.), Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery, 7e, Wolters Kluwer Health, 2013, 980–988. 2. G. Dreyer, J. Noroes, J. Figueredo-Silva, New insights into the natural history and pathology of ...
The Third Edition has been reorganized and thoroughly updated to include the latest evidence-based treatment recommendations and protocols.