Hacker and Moore's Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Hacker and Moore's Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Medical / Nursing / General
Neville F. Hacker, Joseph C. Gambone, Calvin J. Hobel


Get guidance on evaluation, diagnosis, and management of a wide range of obstetric and gynecologic disorders from the most comprehensive and concise reference on the subject. The 5th Edition of this popular and practical resource features additional clinical photos and material on vaccination and disease prevention. The full-color design with illustrations and photographs complement the text. Access the full text online, along with an additional image gallery, case studies, and online note-taking via Student Consult for a better learning experience.

  • Features a full-color design and images for a visually accessible guide that easily correlates to actual clinical experience.
  • Delivers must-know information efficiently and effectively through a concise, clear writing style.

  • Features a chapter on vaccination and disease prevention and origin for increased clinical focus and utility.
  • Incorporates more clinical photographs for a clearer visual presentation of clinical applications.
  • Reflects changes in the APGO/CREOG objectives through updated content.

Other editions

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