Working with Parents and Families of Exceptional Children and Youth: Techniques for Successful Conferencing and Collaboration

Working with Parents and Families of Exceptional Children and Youth: Techniques for Successful Conferencing and Collaboration
Education / Parent Participation
Richard L. Simpson, Nancy A. Mundschenk


Features: * First person narrative vignettes help to highlight the critical role collaborative relationships play in working effectively with parents and families of children and youth with exceptionalities. * Activities are provided at the end of each chapter to help the reader integrate and apply his/her understanding of the material, including role-play exercises based on case studies presented in the appendices. * Straightforward and functional content that assists educators and related service personnel with knowledge and skill acquisition directly connected to effective collaboration with parents and families of children and youth with exceptionalities. * Integration of effective-practice methods and current literature in an easy to understand, albeit highly professional, resource. The primary theme of the fourth edition of Working with Parents and Families of Exceptional Children and Youth is that educators and related service professionals must be involved in helping parents and families to contend with the challenges of raising, living with and educating a child who has an exceptionality. This text retains its focus on developing critical knowledge and skills for conferencing and collaborating that springs from a strength-based approach when working with families to develop responsive practitioners. Additionally, it offers professionals current evidence-based methods and related resources for building knowledge and skill sets needed for effective parent and family involvement. The text is organized in three sections: 1.Part 1: begins with an overview of the historical and changing nature of the family. It continues with specific strategies to establish trust and effective partnerships with parents and families of various configurations, including those with different languages, cultural practices, lifestyles and values. 2.Part 2: details methods to address parents' concerns during initial conferences, to report academic and soci

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