"It all happened so fast that even now, a month later, I still have trouble believing it, and I have to tell myself over and over again: Leszli, you have been kidnapped." On April 12, 1999, Leszli Kálli boarded a plane in Colombia to work on a kibbutz in Israel, but she never made it. The plane was hijacked by a leftist guerrilla group and forced to land on an abandoned runway in the jungle. Leszli, along with her father and the other passengers, were held hostage for 373 days. Her diary reveals her innermost thoughts, darkest fears, and visions of hope. Leszli vividly presents this painful time in her life: trapped, held at gunpoint, and never knowing if she would live to see another day. Although never close before, the bond between her and her father grows as they provide one another with vital support. Alienated as the only woman in her group, she maintains her guard but finds comfort caring for animals, including a tarantula living beneath her bed. As the pages of her diary unfold, so, too, does the incredible story of one girl's fight for survival against overwhelming odds.
Attempts to find the kidnapped Meg Falconer by her brother Aiden, her parents, and the FBI, are hindered by Meg's efforts to save herself by running away from her captors.
While FBI agent Luke Falcon pursues a kidnapper responsible for the disappearance of his cousin's wife and son, he fears the worst as he slowly grows closer to the crime's only witness.
The novel revolves around their friendship and their differences, suggesting a metaphor for Scotland itself.
... Whitney Martinko, Amanda Moniz, Jess Roney, Jason Sharples, Adam Rothman, and the magnificent Jane Kamensky. Finding visual images to illuminate the boys' journey along the Reverse Underground Railroad was downright difficult, ...
In the years following an emotional family tragedy, Irene Kelly and her detective husband, Frank Harriman, face a shocking DNA revelation.
When Alan Johnston, the last Western journalist who dared to remain in Gaza, was kidnapped by terrorists, millions of people around the world felt the need to express their anger...
Now, as they were going out of the palace, they had a porter's lodge to go by; and it came in on my father, as he was perhaps the first private Hieland gentleman that had ever gone by that door, it was right he should give the ...
As Aiden Falconer and FBI Agent Harris are closing in on the people who kidnapped Meg, Meg, unaware of the efforts to rescue her, tries to escape on her own and is never where she is suppose to be.
Themes: Hi-Lo, adapted classics, low level classics, graphic novel. These literary masterpieces are made easy and interesting. This series features classic tales retold with color illustrations to introduce literature to struggling readers.
We'd get a message that Oufkir and King Hassan's brother, Prince Moulay Abdellah, were in town and they think it would be very nice to come over for the evening. So we'd have to get dinner together and whiskey.