Ability grouping. Leveling systems. Streaming. This is the modern way of talking about tracking -- the traditional practice of sorting and selecting students based on test scores and other criteria, and then steering these groups into "the most appropriate" course of study. In 1987, New York's suburban Rockville Centre School District faced the fact that its longstanding tracking system was resulting in unequal educational opportunities and allowing racial and socioeconomic stratification of its student population. School leaders embarked on an ambitious program of reform: reexamining beliefs about intelligence, ability, and instruction, and offering all students the opportunity to study a rigorous curriculum in heterogeneous classrooms. In this book, authors Carol Corbett Burris and Delia T. Garrity, veterans of the Rockville Centre School District, offer an experience-based and research-supported argument that detracking--implemented with planning, patience, and persistence--can do in every school district what it did in theirs: raise achievement across the board and dramatically narrow the achievement gap. Their main goal is a practical one: to provide educational leaders with proven strategies for launching, sustaining, and monitoring a successful detracking reform. Here, you'll read * Why detracking is necessary, the benefits it brings, and how to build support among teachers and parents * How to revise curriculum to "level-up" instruction * How to establish a multiyear, personalized professional development program to help teachers address new instructional needs * How to best support effective teaching and learning in a heterogeneous classroom Detracking for Excellence and Equity outlines a comprehensive approach built on self-reflection, direct action, vigilant supervision, and a set of very clear beliefs: that schools and opportunity matter; that acceleration and enrichment will improve all students' achievement; and that all students deserve access to the best curriculum.
In On the Same Track, Burris draws on her own experience, on the experiences of other schools, and on the latest research to make an impassioned case for detracking.
To help educators with what can at times be a difficult and challenging journey, Blankstein and Noguera frame the book with five guiding principles of Courageous Leadership: - Getting to your core - Making organizational meaning - Ensuring ...
Leading for Equity tells the compelling story of the Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools and its transformation—in less than a decade—into a system committed to breaking the links between race and class and academic achievement.
This book offers the big ideas that help you in your own unique journey to advance equity in your school or district’s mathematics education and also provides practical information to help students in a detracked system thrive.
Useful for co-teachers, administrators supervising co-teachers, and pre-service teachers, this book outlines how to eliminate the frustration and barriers often associated with co-planning, how to maintain the rigor of the coursework, how ...
... 190n7, 199 Farley-Ripple, E. 190n7, 191n9, 199 Farrell, D. M. 18, 29 Faust, S. 100,122 Feins, J. D. 154n67, 155 Feller, ... S. 97,119 Freire, P. 213, 223, 293,294, 299, 302, 307n7, 309 French, J. 184, 195 French, S. 96, 123 Friedman, H.
... Equity. Stories. from. the. Field. Detracking for Excellence and Equity (2008). Carol Corbett Burris and Delia T. Garrity. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Leading for Equity: The Pursuit of Excellence ...
This book describes the process of 'untracking', an educational reform effort that has prepared students from low income, linguistic, and ethnic minority backgrounds for college.
Discusses how educators can use action research to raise student achievement and strengthen instructional leadership, offering suggestions on how to formulate specific research questions, collect and analyze data, and communicate findings.
While the issue of advancing equity occupies the pages of many education journals across the world and pursuing it in schools and classrooms is a common instructional goal, there is an obvious absence of established school policies combined ...