Many teachers in regular classrooms feel unprepared to teach students with learning disabilities. Fortunately, brain research has confirmed that strategies benefiting learners with special challenges are suited for engaging and stimulating all learners. In this book, neurologist and classroom teacher Judy Willis explains that we can best help students by putting in place strategies, accommodations, and interventions that provide developmentally and academically appropriate challenges to suit the needs, gifts, and goals of each student. Brain-Friendly Strategies for the Inclusion Classroom will help teachers * Understand how the brain learns and the technologies that reveal this process. * Implement strategies that are compatible with students' individual learning styles and honor their multiple intelligences. * Improve the focus of students with attention disorders and help them gain the confidence and skills they need to develop goal-oriented behaviors. * Create an enriching learning environment by incorporating student-centered activities, discovery and hands-on learning experiences, cross-curricular learning, and multisensory lessons. * Implement strategic review, study, and test preparation strategies that will allow students to retain information and connect it with future learning. * Build safe, supportive classroom communities and raise class awareness and empathy for students with learning disabilities. It's time for teachers to lower the barriers, not the bar. Using strategies that align with research on how people's brains function, teachers can engage all students as individuals and help them reach their maximum potential with joy and confidence.
The Fifth Edition fully integrates the text with MasteringChemistry to provide an interactive and engaging experience.
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.
The text also fosters development of problem-solving skills while helping students visualize and understand concepts through figures, sample problems, and concept maps.
Study Guide for General, Organic and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life
New problem-solving tools in this edition, including Try it First and Connect, urge readers to think critically about problem-solving while learning best practices. Personalize learning with Mastering Chemistry.
Modified Masteringchemistry with Pearson Etext -- Standalone Access Card -- For General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life
Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, Books a la Carte Plus MasteringChemistry with EText -- Access Card...
Masteringchemistry With Pearson Etext Standalone Access Card for Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life, Pearson Etext
0321832922 / 9780321832924 General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life, MasteringChemistry with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card and Study Guide for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life, ...