Literacy is a skill for all time, for all people. It is an integral part of our lives, whether we are students or adult professionals. Giving all educators the breadth of knowledge and practical tools that help students strengthen their literacy skills is the focus of Read, Write, Lead. Drawing on her experience as a mentor teacher, reading specialist, instructional coach, and staff developer, author Regie Routman offers time-tested advice on how to develop a schoolwide learning culture that leads to more effective reading and writing across the curriculum. She explains how every school—including yours—can: implement instructional practices that lead to better engagement and achievement in reading and writing for all students, from kindergarten through high school, including second-language and struggling learners; build Professional Literacy Communities of educators working together to create sustainable school change through professional learning based on shared beliefs; reduce the need for intervention through daily practices that ensure success, even for our most vulnerable learners; and embed the language of productive feedback in responsive instruction, conferences, and observations in order to accelerate learning for students, teachers, and leaders. In their own voices, teachers, principals, literacy specialists, and students offer real-life examples of changes that led to dramatic improvement in literacy skills and—perhaps just as important--increased joy in teaching and learning. Scattered throughout the book are “Quick Wins”--ideas and actions that can yield positive, affirming results while tackling the tough work of long-term change.
The book comes with 40 writing exercises to each chapter to help you learn and practice several writing rules that will help you focus on writing content that makes readers act instead of writing content that sits on a server and gathers ...
It’s why we’re here.” Whether you’ve read Daring Greatly and Rising Strong or you’re new to Brené Brown’s work, this book is for anyone who wants to step up and into brave leadership.
This book shares practical and effective techniques for accommodating reading and writing instruction to design learning that simultaneously increases literacy and language development.
These are the leaders who inspire employees to stretch themselves to deliver results that surpass expectations. These are the Multipliers. And the world needs more of them, especially now, when leaders are expected to do more with less.
Offers guidance to teachers on how to develop literacy programs for students in kindergarten through third grade, focusing on the transitions that occur as children become more competent readers and writers.
The #1 international best seller In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg reignited the conversation around women in the workplace. Sandberg is chief operating officer of Facebook and coauthor of Option B with Adam Grant.
... Rafe Martin ( G. P. Putnam's Sons , 1989 ) A Boy , A Dog , A Frog , and a Friend , Mercer Mayer ( Dial , 1971 ) ... Laurence Yep ( Silver Burdett , 1991 ) Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days , Stephen Manes ( Bantam , 1984 ) Babe ...
This is how I would describe The Writing Revolution.
New York: Prentice Hall. Retrieved from Pearson SuccessNet at Lubliner, S. (2001). A practical guide to reciprocal teaching. Bothell, WA: Wright Group. McLaughlin, M., & Allen, M. B. (2002).
"Grounded in the belief that all students can learn to read and write print, this book is a thorough yet practical guide for teaching students with significant disabilities.