"Coaching guru Jim Knight offers a blueprint to help schools establish, administer, and assess successful instructional coaching programs"--
Experienced trainer and researcher Jim Knight describes the "nuts and bolts" of instructional coaching and explains the essential skills that instructional coaches need, including getting teachers on board, providing model lessons, and ...
Jim Knight introduces an all-new instructional coaching cycle for ensuring teachers and, in turn, their students improve in clear, measurable ways.
Jim Knight and coauthors show instructional coaches how to develop personalized playbooks of teaching strategies and tools that help teachers refine and improve their practice.
The book also underscores the critical role of the principal in fostering a culture of learning.
Experts review coaches' roles, examine research, and provide in-depth discussions of specific coaching models, including literacy, cognitive, instructional, content-focused, classroom management, and leadership coaching.
This book describes in simple terms exactly how schools should align and organize professional learning to ensure significant positive change in teaching and student learning.
A dynamic guide to improving student achievement through high impact teaching practices and school improvement
In this book, we examine evaluating coaching according to research-based best coaching practice and best human resources practice.
" --DOUGLAS FISHER Coauthor of Rigorous Reading and Unstoppable Learning Because conversation is the lifeblood of any school You don’t want this book—you need this book. Why this confident claim?
Focus on Teaching details: Strategies that teachers, instructional coaches, teams, and administrators can use to get the most out of using video Tips for ensuring that video recordings are used in accordance with ethical standards and ...