Animal Life Cycles: Growing Up in the Wild

Animal Life Cycles
Ph.D., Tony Hare


A proverb is a saying, usually short, that expresses a general truth about life. Proverbs give advice, make an observation, or present a lesson in a succinct and memorable way. We use proverbs or allude to them quite often in everyday speech: Better safe than sorry; The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence; If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. The Facts On File Dictionary of Proverbs includes more than 1,500 English-language proverbs that are widely recognized today. Arranged alphabetically, entries provide the meaning of each proverb, the date it was first recorded, variant forms of the proverb, other proverbs that are similar and opposite to it in meaning, and examples of the proverb's use. This fascinating dictionary will provide readers and students with insight into this unique aspect of our language. Proverbs covered include: -- Absence makes the heart grow fonder -- Actions speak louder than words -- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush -- Every man is his own worst enemy -- It takes a village to raise a child -- Pride goes before a fall -- The leopard can't change its spots -- Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown -- You never know a man until you live with him.

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