Your Online Learning Success Plan Implementation Guide



Your Online Learning Success Plan is designed to increase the success of the distance education student. This web-delivered product provides diagnostic information as well as personalized success techniques to keep online students motivated and enrolled. With this product, students will receive a brief introduction to the concept of success planning and its importance, followed by a rapid assessment consisting of approximately 36 questions based on the Personality Assessment System. Using the results of the personality assessment, the product will analyze the advantages and challenges, the student is likely to face when engaged in distance education or training. The student will then be able to practice developing a success plan by matching learning activities with learning strategies. The result is an individualized report that relates the outcome of the assessment tool and defines the strategies that will lead to success. Upon completion, the student will have a personalized plan that addresses his or her individual motivators, strengths, and challenges, and ultimately helps the student succeed in online learning. The product also includes descriptions of the types of course activities offered through online learning, as well as the learning strategies that work best when engaging in them. Students and administrators alike will appreciate the personalized direction Your Online Learning Success Plan provides.