The Elevate Science Middle Grades program puts exploration at the heart of science. Scientific inquiry encourages investigation, collaboration, and creativity. Elevate Science deepens students’ conceptual understanding of science and prepares them for high school and beyond.--Publisher's website.
Elevate Science: Earth
Elevate Science builds students' critical thinking, questioning, and collaboration skills. It fuels interest in STEM and creative problem solving while supporting literacy development for elementary-age learners.--Publisher's website.
Elevate Science is a comprehensive K-5 science program that focuses on active, student-centered learning. Elevate Science builds students' critical thinking, questioning, and collaboration skills.
Elevate Science offers 12 individual modules that span grades 6-8 and cover 100% of the NGSS Middle Grade Performance Expectations.
Elevate Science: Grade 7
Elevate Science: sixth grade
Elevate Science: Life
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Icons in the text point out where there are available video, interactive activities, games, documents, or assessments to access online using the Savvas Realize platform.
Icons in the text point out where there are available video, interactive activities, games, documents, or assessments to access online using the Savvas Realize platform.