This easy-to-use resource offers 101 meaty responses to tough questions you'll field from family, friends, and co-workers. Or even yourself. Greg Albrecht doesn't know it all or pretend to, but he never backs away from heartfelt dialogue on subjects as diverse as cremation, homosexuality, church-hopping, mental illness, and cohabitation. Beyond a firm defense of the faith, he presents answers to issues small and large, to dilemmas that have bedeviled believers for generations. At the heart, these 101 questions and answers provide fodder for thoughtful inquiry, and scriptural enlightenment minus mangled proof texts. Best of all, Albrecht doesn't condescend, doesn't assume, but just responds to authentic concerns with timely answers.
In The God Hunt, Karen Mains suggests four ways to perceive God's active presence: 1. Any obvious answer to prayer 2. Any unexpected evidence of his care 3. Any help to do God's work in the world 4. Any unusual linkage or timing.10 ...
Between the Rock and a Hard Place: Adventuring Into the Life of Jesus of Nazareth
As you read this book, you will be moved to seek a deeper relationship with the Lord just as Moses did who sought the Lord and found Him between a rock and a hard place'.
All their appeals have be exhausted at both the state and federal levels--humanly speaking, they have run out of options. But there's more to the story. Despite their grim situation, Carol and her husband live a life full of grace.
It was as when the children of Israel in the book of Exodus on their journey to the Promised Land came to a place where Pharaohs army was behind and the Red Seas was in front.
Each lesson includes: An opening reflection on the Bible book you're studying. Background information to deepen your understanding of the cultural and historical setting. An excerpt of the text (from the NIV and the NKJV).
Then he told him to sacrifice his own (and only) son, Isaac. Abraham obeyed God and was about to kill Isaac—when God intervened. This is a classic 'between a rock and a hard place' situation.
As you read this book, you will be moved to seek a deeper relationship with the Lord just as Moses did who sought the Lord and found Him between a rock and a hard place.
Autobiography of Oregon Senator Mark Hatfield.
This Participant’s Guide helps you decide where you stand when you are caught between a rock and a hard place: Will you place yourself in a posture of humility and complete dependence on God, or will you just “try harder” and stumble ...