This book explains the year 2000 problem in non-technical terms from a woman's perspective with an emphasis on preparing your home for a possible disruption in everyday life. It not only explains the Y2K problem, but it also explains in detail why you should be prepared for any emergency, natural or man-made (Y2K). It provides answers to common questions in a "Dear Abby" like style with a focus on the special needs and concerns of women.
The Majesty of Calmness
Being Female in Y2K
... Y2K” bug, the “Y2K” a representation of the Year 2000. Threats of dire consequences from the Y2K bug came from ... Women: How to Protect Your Home and Family in the Coming Crisis, by Karen Anderson (May 1999) Dutch Oven and Outdoor ...
Apocalypse Observed : Religious Movements and Violence in North America , Europe , and Japan . New York : Routledge , 2000 . Hendershot , Heather . Shaking the World for Jesus : Media and Conservative Evangelical Culture .
Women's Business Enterprises: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Government Programs and Oversight of the Committee on Small Business, House of...
The pages were made with millennials in mind but are perfect for any age group or generation. This book brings back the simplicity and fun of coloring!
This compelling book takes you inside a teacher’s journey to explore the question of gender in education.
If you need to purchase big-ticket items such as appliances or furniture, do a reverse credit card. Plan for the expense and set aside a payment each month —in cash if you have to—to cover the amount. Only when you have enough saved ...
... contextual variables on work–family conflict and work–family positive spillover. In K. Korabik, Z. Aycan, Roya Ayman (Eds.), The Work–Family Interface in Global Context. New York. NY: Routledge. Rasmussen, B., and Hapnes, T. (1991) ...