On the morning of H. Jackson Brown's fifty-first birthday, he jotted down a few of the important things more than half a century of living had taught him. He enjoyed the exercise so much that he made it a weekly project. Later, a friend said he would like to try. Other joined in. Contributions from kindergarten kids, high school students, young married couples, and senior citizens made Brown realize that wisdom knows no age and that truth is truth no matter where you find it. What ultimately comes through in the contributions to Live and Learn and Pass It On is a sense of cheerfulness, resolve, and the importance of keeping things in perspective. A forty-two-year-old father wrote, "I've learned that a shoeshine box made by my eight-year-old son at Vacation Bible School is my most prized possession." "That's as powerful a statement about priorities and what makes life worth living as you will ever read," says Brown. This edition contains all three volumes of the book that spent more than 28 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list.
"Collected in this beautiful leather-bound edition are all 1,350 entries from the three volumes of Live and Learn and Pass It On. Often humorous, always genuine, the observations found in this special edition will certainly cause you to ...
On his 51st birthday, the author decided to make a list of the many things life had taught him. Then he decided to invite friends and acquaintances--from kindergarten kids to senior citizens--to join the effort.
With the publication of this second volume, hundreds of others add to what they have learned from loving, winning, losing, and from the school of hard knocks.
In this third-volume of his New York Times best-selling series, Brown offers more of the sincere wisdom and humorous observations that he has collected from people of all ages.
A collection of advice on how to live a happy and rewarding life
"Mom loved to write to my sister and me," H. Jackson Brown writes.
It is the perfect gift book for Father's Day, graduation, or any time of the year, and may even inspire you to jot down a few notes of your own.
Live and Learn and Pass it on: People Ages 5 to 95 Share what They've Discovered about Life, Love, and...
This edition with all three volumes has been redesigned for a new generation.
Live and Learn and Pass It On