Author Diane Zak employs a readable, approachable, and enjoyable way of learning advanced programming topics, picking up where she left off with her first course book - Microsoft Visual Basic 2005: RELOADED, Second Edition.
Readers learn to master the fundamentals of effective programming while working through Visual Basic 2017’s latest features with a wealth of hands-on applications -- all placed in context within this book's engaging real-world setting.
The classic Nutshell guide to Microsoft's Visual Basic programming language is completely revised and reorganized to cover the forthcoming VB 3005 version, as well as VB .NET 1.1.
The new edition of the ultimate comprehensive guide to Microsoft Visual Basic Where most VB books start with beginner level topics, Mastering Visual Basic 2010 vaults you right into intermediate and advanced coverage.
For those who want to get up speed with VB 2005 right away, this is the perfect all lab, no lecture guide.
Filled with code examples and thorough explanations, this book will help you quickly get up to speed with the language so you can begin writing your own customized programs.
Presents projects designed to create applications for Microsoft Windows.
Build your own Web browser, desktop weather station, or other cool application—without any programming experience! Featuring learn-by-doing projects and plenty of visual examples, this hands-on book is your quick start...
, Query Builder and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. The book includes quick reference tables, resources, and a CD-ROM with practice files.
Why upgrade to the next version of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET? This guide offers a focused, first look at the specific features and capabilities that you can exploit - using...
Anytime you deal with resources that exist outside your source code, you are taking a chance that runtime errors will occur. Figure 9-4 showed you what Visual Basic does when it encounters a runtime error: it displays to the user a ...