Natural computing brings together nature and computing to develop new computational tools for problem solving; to synthesize natural patterns and behaviors in computers; and to potentially design novel types of computers. Fundamentals of Natural Computing: Basic Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications presents a wide-ranging survey of novel techniques and important applications of nature-based computing. This book presents theoretical and philosophical discussions, pseudocodes for algorithms, and computing paradigms that illustrate how computational techniques can be used to solve complex problems, simulate nature, explain natural phenomena, and possibly allow the development of new computing technologies. The author features a consistent and approachable, textbook-style format that includes lucid figures, tables, real-world examples, and different types of exercises that complement the concepts while encouraging readers to apply the computational tools in each chapter. Building progressively upon core concepts of nature-inspired techniques, the topics include evolutionary computing, neurocomputing, swarm intelligence, immunocomputing, fractal geometry, artificial life, quantum computing, and DNA computing. Fundamentals of Natural Computing is a self-contained introduction and a practical guide to nature-based computational approaches that will find numerous applications in a variety of growing fields including engineering, computer science, biological modeling, and bioinformatics.
Dana H. Ballard offers readers a comprehensive introduction to the computational material that forms the underpinnings of the currently evolving set of brain models
This volume is comprised of ideas and research from nature to develop computational systems or materials to perform computation.
Natural Computing for Simulation and Knowledge Discovery investigates the latest developments in nature-influenced technologies.
In Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2002 (CEC 2002), 1:932–937, New Jersey: IEEE Press Chen S (2009) Locust Swarms - A new multi-optima search technique. In: Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary ...
Introduction to natural computation
As such, it is the first review which covers both the methodological background and recent application cases.
This is important, if we are to encourage future generations to be as successfully innovative as the field’s originators.
This book exactly aims to educate you with practical examples on topics of importance associated with research field of Natural computing.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference, TPNC 2014, held in Granada, Spain, in December 2014.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference,on Theory and Practice of Natural Computing, TPNC 2017, held in Prague, Czech Republic, December 2017.