A synthesis of years of interdisciplinary research and practice, the second edition of this bestseller continues to serve as a primary resource for information on the assessment, remediation, and control of contamination on and below the ground surface. Practical Handbook of Soil, Vadose Zone, and Ground-Water Contamination: Assessment, Prevention, and Remediation, Second Edition includes important new developments in site characterization and soil and ground water remediation that have appeared since 1995. Presented in an easy-to-read style, this book serves as a comprehensive guide for conducting complex site investigations and identifying methods for effective soil and ground water cleanup. Remediation engineers, ground water and soil scientists, regulatory personnel, researchers, and field investigators can access the latest data and summary tables to illustrate key advantages and disadvantages of various remediation methods.
The experiences and expertise of more than 30 practicing scientists and engineers combine to make this book the most comprehensive reference compiled on the topic of ground water monitoring.
>90% for PFOS Anion Exchange – Cummings, et al. report that single-use systems do not produce contaminant-containing brine but require replacement and proper disposal. Regenerable systems produce brine that must be disposed of, ...
This important book Presents the current challenges of remediation practices Includes up-to-date information about the low-cost, risk-based, sustainable remediation practices, as well as institutional control and management Offers a ...
This book offers various soil and water treatment technologies due to increasing global soil and water pollution. In many countries, the management of contaminated land has matured, and it is developing in many others.
The book also includes detailed technical data on treatment equipment performance and the costs associated with their design and operation. A unique feature of the book is that it also contains data from treatment systems that did not work.
Published in 1991, the first edition of The Practical Handbook of Ground-Water Monitoring quickly became the gold standard reference on the topic of ground-water monitoring.
The book defines groundwater, aquifers and surface water and discusses the physical properties of soils, liquids, vadose zones and aquifers.
Due to the increasing demand for adequate water supply caused by the augmenting global population, groundwater production has acquired a new importance. In many areas, surface waters are not available in sufficient quantity or quality.
Intended for hydrogeologists, engineers, and college students in those or related fields, this updated edition discusses the theory and practice of ground water contamination modeling and remediation. New coverage includes...
Hale, R.C., La Guardia, M.J., Harvey, E., Gaylor, M.O., Ciparis, S., Elizabeth, B.O., Jacobs, M., Mainor, M., Lioy, P.J., 2002. Sewage sludges as a sink and source of polybrominated diphenyl ethers: a multinational comparison.