Behavioral science has revealed a wealth of information concerning violence assessment in a wide variety of situations, but the challenge confronted by those dealing with potentially hostile populations is the effective application of this knowledge. Now in its second edition, Violence Assessment and Intervention: The Practitioner‘s Handbook, Secon
Retrieved from Fein, R., Vossekuil, B., Pollack, W., Borum, R., Modzeleski, W., & Reddy, ... Gorman, E., Harmon, C., Mendolia, S., Staneva, A., & Walker, I. (2019).
Exposure to IPV is defined using examples from different ages and developmental stages. The book describes the effects of exposure to IPV and reviews epidemiology and etiology.
This document replaces and updates the 2002 'Family violence intervention guidelines: child and partner abuse'.
This text should be of interest to managers, occupational psychologists and anyone concerned with violence in the workplace.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (L. Cooper, F. Cornford, W. Guthrie, R. Hackforth, M. Joyce, B. Jowett, et al., Trans.). Pogarsky, G., & Herman, S. (2019). Nudging and the choice architecture of offending decisions.
"This introductory chapter sets forth three foundations for threat assessment and management: the first foundation is the defining of basic concepts, such as threat assessment and threat management; the second foundation outlines the ...
The extent of effectiveness depends on various systemic issues including characteristics of the victims, typology of the perpetrators, training of law enforcement, and attitudes of the courts (Erez & Belknap, 1998; Fleury-Steiner, Bybee ...
Part I of this comprehensive volume discusses the multiple contributing factors in creating violent children and violence-prone schools.
Social Work and Family Violence: Theories, Assessment, and Intervention
Domestic violence is a criminal problem, a social problem and a public health issue. It also represents a violation of human rights and causes far reaching damage to children's lives...