A guidebook through the minefield of government contracting and procurement, Government Contracting: Promises and Perils describes the dangerous practices commonly applied in the development and management of government contracts and provides advice for avoiding the sort of errors that might compromise their ability to protect the public interest. It includes strategies for increasing profits for government contractors, rather than incurring burdensome costs, through compliance with government mandated subcontracting and financial management systems. Drawing from his indepth investigation of government agencies across the country, the author examines present-day scenarios that regularly lead public servants and government committees to manage contracts with tools that are less than optimal and to select contractors that may not be the best qualified. He then delineates practical processes, contracting documents, and contract management tools to mitigate detrimental outcomes and alternative approaches to supplant the imperfect methodologies. The author includes a CD-ROM with the book that provides a number of practical tools that you can apply as well as examples of contracts and templates that are the best he discovered during his research. The book also outlines an approach for performing advance contract planning, conducting contract negotiations, and administering contracts useful when planning for the management of the contracting process throughout the contracting cycle, negotiating a contract that protects the interest of all contracting parties, and ensuring successful contractor performance. The book includes a "Government Procurement Corruption Wall of Shame" that illustrates the myriad perils and stumbling blocks such as conflicts of interest, duplicity, favoritism, incompetence, kickbacks, and protests that government workers fall prey to.. Filled with best practices that protect you from nefarious, amateurish, and criminal mistakes that frequently lead to difficulties with harsh consequences, the book does not end its coverage with discussions of corruption, mismanagement, and ineptitude, but provides practical processes and strategies to diminish the negative impacts from these government contracting perils.
To stop the bleeding of precious resources, they need to step back to learn how professionals win business in the federal arena. This book shows you how to find, for example, the best potential customers and opportunities for your company.
Written in a clear, easy-to-understand language by experienced sales and marketing professionals, this book takes you through the registration and bidding process step by step.
And this is particularly true in the matter of writing proposals, which are the crucial element in most major procurement awards.
monitor visitor activity and maintain audit logs of physical access; • periodically scan the system and files from ... Any core financial management software to be acquired for Federal-only information systems (they do not apply to ...
Written by James F. Nagle, Jr., a nationally acclaimed expert in the field of government contracting, and brought to you by the experts in government contracting, The George Washington University Law School Government Contracts Program and ...
The State of Federal Contracting: Opportunities and Challenges for Strengthening Government Procurement and Acquisition Policies : Hearing Before the Subcommittee...
What tools do citizens and consumers need to evaluate the effectiveness of government contracts? How can the work be structured for optimal performance as well as compliance with public values?
The first part of this book explains the important elements and issues involved in the formation of government contracts, including the two primary methods of contracting.
The Government Subcontractor's Guide to Terms and Conditions quickly guides you through the process of reviewing and negotiating contracts, identifying terms and conditions of concern, and mitigating potential risks.
Federal Contracting Made Easy