Research has shown that the majority of crimes are committed by persistent or serial offenders, with as little as seven percent of offenders accounting for approximately 60 percent of all crimes. By focusing police efforts on these prolific offenders and learning to identify, analyze, and resolve the crimes they commit, the law enforcement community can protect and defend the public much more effectively. Tactical Crime Analysis: Research and Investigation provides a comprehensive discussion on both the theoretical and practical aspects of crime series analysis, making it a critical resource for those engaged in crime prevention and investigation. Appropriate for all levels Written by a distinctive team of authors, each of whom combine academic credibility, police experience, and years of analytical success, this manual is designed for the novice, the working professional, and the veteran crime analyst. It provides an introduction to the realities of tactical crime analysis, assists current analysts in further developing their professional skills, and offers advanced insight for experts. Covering all aspects of serial crime investigation, the book explores: Major problems and issues within serial crime Offender spatial behavior Linkage analysis Investigative techniques Geographic profiling Next event forecasting Supplemental materials to enhance the text This multi-faceted resource includes an interview with a serial offender, case studies of solved serial crimes, and an accompanying website with supplemental material. An important addition to the reference shelf of analytical professionals, this resource provides a revealing glimpse into the machinations of the serial offender.
Criminal Investigation. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company. Blaney, A. (1999). Information Gap. IALEIA Journal, February: 53-57. Block, C.R., Dabdoub, M., and Fregly, S. (1995). Crime Analysis Through Computer Mapping.
Crime Analysis With Crime Mapping, Fourth Edition provides students and practitioners with a solid foundation for understanding the conceptual nature and practice of crime analysis to assist police in preventing and reducing crime and ...
Crime Analysis With Crime Mapping, Fourth Edition provides students and practitioners with a solid foundation for understanding the conceptual nature and practice of crime analysis to assist police in preventing and reducing crime and ...
This book focuses mostly on crime analysis mapping, but includes a discussion of predictive modeling, a special handling of modeling terrorism, and appendices which include a review of probability and statistics and possible board questions ...
... 1) it is within close prorimity to the initiative area AND 2) it has crime intensity comparable to those hot spot areas within the initiative area Area: 5600 block of Clemens Ave to Delmar Blvd and Porter Park/Ruth Porter Mall Trail ...
The concept of broken windows was first explained by James Q. Wilson and George Kelling (1982). In their original article, they wrote that the police should focus their efforts on targeting specific criminal behavior that leads to the ...
From Wilson's writings , it appears that crime analysis was being conducted in ( or at least was recommended to ) police departments in the 1950s and 1960s ; however , no evidence of crime analysis products is available from that period ...
Acknowledgments We would like to thank the following who have provided case study material, comment on the book's content and supported us in its production: George Rengert, Philippa Ratcliffe, Ron Wilson, Rachel Weeden, Suzanne Siegel, ...
Topics covered in this book include: • The origins and aims of intelligence-led policing • A comparison of intelligence-led policing with other conceptual models of policing • An exploration of analysis concepts and the role of ...
Written for security professionals and other professionals responsible for making security decisions as well as for security management and criminal justice students, this text provides a fresh perspective on the risk assessment process.