Applied Social Research focuses on the real world context of applied research. It discusses the often overlooked, yet essential process of planning: poor planning inevitably produces inadequate research. The text helps researchers decide how to approach their applied research problems and to think through the major issues in the design and analysis of their project. 'Applied Social Research' also discussed the idea that in applied social research the use of a single method type is unlikely to provide answers to the often complex set of research questions being addressed and highlights the benefits of using two or more research methods in the one study. The author argues that such mixed method designs are becoming widely used in applied social research, particularly where the methods combine qualitative and quantitative data, thereby enabling a richer set of data to provide various perspectives on the research topic, removing limitations imposed by using single methods. Examples of such designs are provided throughout, useful mixed method designs are outlined and their advantages discussed.
Bradt, K. (1955). Usefulness of a postcard technique in a mail questionnaire study. Public Opinion Quarterly, 19, 218–222. Brennan, M., & Hoek, J. (1992). Behavior of respondents, nonrespondents and refusers across mail surveys.
Appropriate for professionals and researchers who have had some previous exposure to research methods, this book will enable the development of research strategies that are credible, useful, and--more important--feasible.
An innovative textbook introducing a variety of social science methodologies applicable to a range of social and political science disciplines.
With the primary objective of raising ethical sensibility, this volume details the ethical problems and dilemmas faced by applied social science researchers.
Brennan , R. ( 1958 ) . Trading stamps as an incentive . Journal of Marketing , 22 , 306-307 . Brook , L. L. ( 1978 ) . Effect of different postage combinations on response levels and speed of reply .
The author uses a narrative, conceptual approach throughout the book; mathematical presentations are limited to necessary formulas; and calculations are kept to the absolute minimum, making it an easily approachable book for any researcher, ...
Considers meta-analytic procedures (the quantitative summary of a research domain) in sufficient detail for readers either to carry them out for themselves, or evaluate the procedures when used by others and offers advice about the ...
This book illustrates how applied social scientists and their research are integrated with stakeholders and practitioners in a local/regional setting, and how knowledge development is a mutual concern, made in, and dependent on, ongoing ...
Offering pragmatic guidance for planning and conducting a meta-analytic review, this book is written in an engaging, nontechnical style that makes it ideal for graduate course use or self-study.
In the Fourth Edition of Scale Development, Robert F. DeVellis demystifies measurement by emphasizing a logical rather than strictly mathematical understanding of concepts.