The Impact of Teacher Conflict Styles on Student Discipline Outcomes

The Impact of Teacher Conflict Styles on Student Discipline Outcomes
Marie E. Borrazzo Mba Ph. D., Marie E. Borrazzo


Research was centered on "at risk" students enrolled in an Academy that was designed to specifically meet "at risk" student needs. Teacher response styles during the discipline process was the center of the research given that "at risk" students are suspended more frequently than students typically falling into the "regular" student population. Teachers' conflict styles were assessed using the Kilmann conflict assessment. Another key focus was the effect of systemic issues that influence teacher-student interaction that result from cultural influences and social complexities present in capitalist economic system. Social complexity has resulted in the compartmentalization of individual action affecting interaction. Teachers and faculty with assigned duties are expected to follow prescribed discipline procedures as dictated by the school's discipline action plan. These individuals are placed in situations where they must continually second guess their decision making process. Laws, policies, and procedures currently in existence, which were originally believed to promote efficiency, restrict and hinder individuality and creativity. Discipline in the public school system has deteriorated throughout the years. Teacher shortages and student failure continue to rise despite changes in curriculum. Theorists such as Freire believe this is the result of polarization between teacher and student resulting from the banking concept of education (Freire, 2000). The polarization results from poor family structure, inappropriate adult models, and the loss of individuality within a system designed to serve the masses. Individuality (Thomas, 1963) has been lost as schools have standardized interaction through policy resulting from law. Students are expected to compete uniformly regardless of their life circumstances. Economic models are rarely mentioned by individuals holding positions of power or influence, as they rather maintain their status, rather than correct social inequities resulting from increased stratification. This is permissible simply because stratification and the constant state of conflict present within individuals serves a purpose as individuals compete in a capitalist system for a better life situation. Poor discipline is often believed to be the result of family background (Blandford, 1998) while the stress resulting from poverty, such as lack of social support, teenage motherhood, and low birth weight (Baumrind, 1995) are ignored. Regardless the need for a stronger economy that can provide higher paying jobs for families living in poverty is a key element that will strengthen the family. Those who struggle to live a descent life can work less hours and spend more time nurturing their children. The increasing complexity of society has resulted in the transformation of the scientific consciousness of the human race as puppets in the grip of natural or fate in an alienated mode of awareness (Harris, 1995). Social complexity has resulted in an increase in structural violence (Galtung, 1999) as a result of divisions, inequalities, and lack of equilibrium within social order (Foucault, 1976). A close look indicates that the very forces that appear to press people into molds and to force them to follow the herd are interlaced with the crying needs for creativeness, imagination, desire to be venturous, and great diversity of talent (Barnes, et. al, 1965). While we cannot transform the economy, we can control our response choices as educators to help "at risk" students achieve their highest potential regardless of their circumstances. This is perhaps why understanding the influence of a teacher's discipline/conflict style is an important key in stifling the cycle of violence "at risk" students encounter on a daily basis. The research results obtained demonstrated that there were significant differences between each style and consequently, the discipline outcome. Appended to this document are: (1) Definition of Terms; and (2) School Discipline Plan. A 115-item bibliography is included. (Contains 20 tables.).

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