Informed by a breadth of historical scholarship and based squarely on primary sources, this volume remains the standard text for future teachers and scholars of education.
2 2 When Paul R. Mort studied: David B. Tyack and Larry Cuban, Tinkering Toward Utopia: A Century of Public School Reform (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995), p. 4. One in five families chooses: There are about 50 million ...
in Challenges and Choices Facing American Labor, edited by Thomas A. Kochan (MIT Press, 1985); John F. Burton Jr. and Terry Thomason, “The Extent of Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector,” in Public Sector Bargaining, ...
Education reform has a long and ignoble history of searching for magic bullets. Charter schools, vouchers, educational management organizations, tuition tax credits, and high-standards movements are all part of the...
In this informative volume, Patricia Graham, one of America's most esteemed historians of education, offers a vibrant history of American education in the last century.
Understanding the ideological underpinnings of education reform in the past three decades
Drawing on ten years of undercover work and research in four major school districts, Segal reveals how systemic waste and fraud siphon millions of dollars from urban classrooms.
America's teenagers—myths and realities: Media images, schooling, and the social costs of careless indifference. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Skiba, R. (2008). Testimony before the Subcommittee on Education Reform Committee on Education and the ...
Research indicates that No ChildLeft Behind, charter schools, and vouchers do not improve students learning or help educators teach better. The book provide reasons to support American public schools and educators"--
This is the landmark book about that program and the schools that have participated. Now is the time for action, and this book is about one thing only--solutions.
In this informative volume, Patricia Graham, one of America's most esteemed historians of education, offers a vibrant history of American education in the last century.