A thought-provoking and evocative account that considers both the policies we think of as "health policyand those that we don't, The Political Determinants of Health provides a novel, multidisciplinary framework for addressing the systemic barriers preventing the United States from becoming the healthiest nation in the world.
Evidence indicates that actions within four main themes (early child development fair employment and decent work social protection and the living environment) are likely to have the greatest impact on the social determinants of health and ...
Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity seeks to delineate the causes of and the solutions to health inequities in the United States.
I enthusiastically recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about the act and U.S. health care policy."—Florida Bar
This book is a history of how and why the United States became so stubbornly different in health care, presented by an expert with unsurpassed knowledge of the issues.
A Framework for Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Health also puts forth a conceptual model for the framework's use with the goal of helping stakeholder groups envision ways in which organizations, ...
This thought-provoking book offers many beneficial features for clinicians and public health professionals: Clinical vignettes are included, designed to make the content accessible to readers who are primarily clinicians and also to ...
An essential text for courses in public health, health policy, and sociology, this compelling book is a vital teaching tool and a comprehensive reference for social science and medical professionals.
New York: Springer Science & Business Media. Evans, Gary W. and Elyse Kantrowitz. 2002. “Socioeconomic Status and Health: The Potential Role of Environmental Risk Exposure.” Annual Review of Public Health 23:303–31. Evens, Anne et al.
This book explores social factors such as culture, mass media, political systems, and migration that influence public health while systematically considering how we may best study these factors and use our knowledge from this study to guide ...
Following in the footsteps of The Political Economy of Social Inequalities, this work describes and explains the health inequalities across social class, race, and gender, as well as neighborhood, city, region, country, and continent.