Anyone who wants to change college teaching will have to start here.
This book assesses the impact of presidential character on the popularity, productivity, and ethics of contemporary presidents.
That's when I heard the footsteps running down the hall toward my room. Goddamn it. My daughter came flying through the door, attempting to mouth something at me as I closed my eyes, violently shaking my head while waving my one free ...
It’s amateur hour at the White House. So says New York Times bestselling author Edward Klein in his new political exposé The Amateur.
1887–1969 Francis Lee Jaques was an illustrator, painter, and naturalist who advanced the art of dioramas through his seamless merging of the threedimensional foreground with a spacious, expanding flat background.
But You Seemed So Happy is a time capsule of sorts. It’s about getting older and repeatedly dying on the hill of being wiser, only to discover you were never all that dumb to begin with.
Our most valued cultural institutions - our professional newspapers,magazines, music, and movies - are being overtaken by an avalanche ofamateur, user-generated free content.....In today's self-broadcasting culture, where amateurism is celebrated...
The brilliant debut novel from the bestselling author of City of Thieves and the co-creator of the HBO series Game of Thrones, about a white-collar drug dealer's last night out in New York City before going to jail Adapted as a feature film ...
Amateur Hour
The wireless telephone was invented by the author of this book at Narberth, Penn., in 1899, and in his first experiments the human voice was transmitted to a distance of three blocks.
She raised her eyebrows, which were thick and wiry, all askew. “What does a little nun have to say about that?” Sally hesitated. “I'm very sorry to hear it,” she said, imitating Sister Jeanne's sunny sympathy. “I'll pray for you.