Take back all the time you've lost... ...with everything you've got. -- VIZ Media
We Were There
I know what Yano was like before he started going out with my sister... And what he was like after she died. How he held the tears back and looked as if he wanted to die... I understand him a whole lot better than you. -- VIZ Media
There's a fine line between strength and weakness. Everyone needs something to hold on to... ...just to live life. -- VIZ Media
More than anything else... ...you must have wanted... ...to live up to Nanami's expectations. -- VIZ Media
What would be a present that's better than your past? It's simply this... You're here, And I'm here. -- VIZ Media
In love, timing is everything. If you can't convey your feelings at that crucial moment, Even fate will pass you by. -- VIZ Media
You know, that guy... He doesn't seem to need anybody else. I don't know how to put it, but... No matter how much we talk or what we do... It doesn't reach him. -- VIZ Media
Every day, all day, I think about him. I wonder if there's a limit to love? I'm no longer able to imagine a world without him. -- VIZ Media
I'm 24 years old... ...but I still feel the same as I did at 17. I can feel the waves rushing toward me. This time I'm going to let the current take me. I'm going to chase after you like a child. -- VIZ Media
R to L (Japanese Style) Nanami Takahashi falls for Motoharu Yano, the most popular, carefree boy in class.