As an IT manager, you're expected to make key decisions and recommend major investments. And that means understanding your decisions' financial impact on your company. But if you're like many information technology practitioners, you may feel uncomfortable incorporating the financials into your day-to-day work. Using the groundbreaking formula they introduced in their book Financial Intelligence: A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean, Karen Berman and Joe Knight present the essentials of finance specifically for IT experts. Drawing on their work training tens of thousands of managers and employees at leading organizations worldwide, the authors illuminate the basics of financial management and measurement and provide hands-on activities for practicing what you are reading. You'll discover: · Why the assumptions behind financial data matter · What your company's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement reveal · How to use ratios to assess your company's financial health · How to calculate return on IT investments · Ways to use financial information to support your company's business units and do your own job better · How to instill financial intelligence throughout your team Authoritative and accessible, Financial Intelligence for IT Professionals empowers you to "talk numbers" confidently with your boss, colleagues, and direct reports -- and understand how the financials affect your part of the business.
You'll discover: · Why the assumptions behind financial data matter · What your company's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement really reveal · How to use ratios to assess your company's financial health · How ...
Warren Buffett has taken financial intelligence to a whole new level, and his networth reflects it. How interesting that, to him, cash is king.
The book Inc. magazine calls one of "the best, clearest guides to the numbers" on the market. Inc. magazine calls it one of "the best, clearest guides to the numbers" on the market.
Trends, Technology, Software Selection, and Implementation Nils H. Rasmussen, Paul S. Goldy, Per O. Solli ... The term and methodology was introduced by David Norton and Harvard Business School professor Robert Kaplan back in 1992.
Presenting a blend of technical analysis with current and future applications, this book provides professionals with an action plan to embrace and move forward with these new technologies in financial and accounting organizations.
Discover how your supply chain and operations work impacts financial performance, and how to align your efforts to help your company succeed — the fastest, best way to supercharge your own career!
27Sadie Nicholas, “Just a number: Meet the 97-year-old bodybuilder who refuses to retire,” Sunday Express online,
This is a must-read for CFOs, other C-suite executives, and anyone working in the financial management domain.” —Anthony Pember, Managing Director, Grant Thornton Public Sector LLC
This new volume familiarizes readers with the very relevant concepts of human resources and finance in Industry 4.0.
The results were eye-opening and confirmed my suspicions. In this book, the reader will travel through every life stage from birth to death, exploring the myriad touch points affecting their financial life.