Special education teachers must have respect and compassion to build children's self esteem, the responsibility to teach students the skills they need to move toward indepedence, the courage to stand up for those who have been rejected, and the diligence to keep going one step after another so that one day students will look back and be amazed by how far they've come.
A general introduction to the characteristics of exceptional learners and their education, this book emphasizes classroom practices, as well as the psychological, sociological, and medical aspects of disabilities and giftedness.
( 1988 ) Alternative futures for the education of students with severe disabilities , University of Alberta . ... Kakalik , J. , Furry , W. , Thomas . , M. & Carney , F. ( 1981 ) The Cost of Special Education , RAND N1792 ED .
If you want to know how to carry out your duties as a SENCO effectively, then this is the book for you!
This text addresses teachers' increasing need for more training and advice on meeting the demands of pupils with special educational needs.
Educating Exceptional Children
Aimed at parents of, and advocates for, special needs children, explains how to develop a relationship with a school, monitor a child's progress, understand relevant legislation, and document correspondence and conversations.
Instructor's Manual to Accompany Pathways for Exceptional Children: School, Home, and Culture
Education of Exceptional Children and Youth
"Drawing on a three-year post-critical ethnography, this volume counters deficit-based notions of disability to present a new social and dialogic theory of thinking and learning for students with significant support needs.
Divided into three levels of difficulty: 50 scenes with 1 item wrong, 50 scenes with 3 items wrong, 50 with 5 items wrong.