This newly revised edition includes two new chapters exploring events in policing since 2014, and offers a compelling new direction to improve policing, today.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
To carry out their wide array of vital duties supervisors require a whole toolbox of complex skills. This handbook was created with the purpose of supplying or, where already present, strengthening those skills.
Written for students, members of the police community, academicians, elected officials and members of the public, this work comes from the perspective of an individual who devoted his life to law enforcement.
New to This Edition: Complete overview of local, state, and federal law enforcement organizations, including a detailed explanation of the governmental reorganization post--September 11 "NEW" chapter on technology and its role in law ...
Restructure the LAPD Training Group to allow the centralization of planning; instructor qualification, evaluation, and retention; and more efficient use of resources.
This wide-ranging text provides an overview of policing across different societies, and considers the issues facing the US and British police in a wider international context. The book is designed as a coherent introduction to the police.
Around the 1940s, pioneers including Kurt Lewin, Egon Brunswik, and Roger Barker pointed out that people act differently within different social and physical settings. They argued that we cannot gain a full understanding of human ...
Policing for the 21st Century: Realizing the Vision of Police in a Free Society
"This book provides a detailed discussion on the ways in which education and science can be applied to the improvement of security focusing on the necessary blend of education, science, and intelligence activities through the relevant ...