[For example, former California Supreme Court Justice Otto Kaus has been quoted as saying] that ignoring the political consequences of visible decisions is “like ignoring a crocodile in your bathtub.”1 [Commentators have cited] ...
26 More recently, two wellknown students of the subject noted, “The participation of organized interests in judicial nominations in recent years extends well beyond the highly visible cases of [Robert H.] Bork, [David H.] Souter, ...
... see Richard H. Fallon, Jr., "Reflections on the Hart and Wechsler Paradigm," 47 Vanderbilt Law Review 953 (1994). 7. Brown, note 5 above, at 986. xvi understand. It is more than curious that the enormous Preface.
The Federal Courts: Crisis and Reform
New to the Third Edition: Updates to each chapter with key cases, text additions, and doctrinal developments, e.g. Markazi, Patchak, diversity jurisdiction via removal, and Ziglar v. Abbasi.
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
Offers practical guidance and comprehensive coverage on all aspects of federal court jurisdiction and litigation procedure, as well as the relationship between the state and federal courts. Text reviews the...
Creating the federal judicial system
Federal Courts: Cases and Materials
The Federal Courts as a Political System
In The Districts, Johnny Dwyer takes us not just into the courtrooms but also into the lives of the judges and defendants, prosecutors and defense counsels, and winners and losers who people the courts.