The purpose of this book is to provide students with an in- depth understanding of the ADA, including the sections governing employment (Title I), public entities (Title II), and public accommodations (Title III). The book focuses on the major components of the ADA, with extensive reference to the implementing regulations and accompanying guidance statements--essential building blocks for a complete understanding of the Act. It also covers a wide range of additional topics, such as education, housing, insurance, and the protection of newborns with disabilities. Because the ADA intersects several other federal statutes, such as the IDEA, the FHAA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, cross- references to these and other statutes are frequently provided. A companion book, The Law of Disability Discrimination Handbook: Statutes and Regulatory Guidance, includes reference material relevant to interpreting federal law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability. The Handbook includes the statutory language of each of the five Titles of the ADA. In addition, with respect to Titles I, II, and III, the Handbook includes the regulations and interpretive guidance promulgated by the EEOC and the United States DOJ. The Handbook also includes reference material relevant to interpreting Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Fair Housing Act Amendments of 1998, as well as excerpts from the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Further, the Handbook contains the text of the IDEA, the Department of Education Regulations implementing the IDEA, and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Disability Discrimination Act Action Plans: A Guide for Business
You can act against disability discrimination: Disability Discrimination Act
The disability lobby has successfully pushed for discrimination to be outlawed but 'institutional disablism' will not be stamped out without a political commitment to changing public attitudes, according to a new report from Demos called ...
Peter H. Lewis , " A Great Equalizer for the Disabled , " New York Times , November 6 , 1988 , Technology . p . 111 , " In February 2006 ... " : Miguel Helft , " For the Blind , Technology Does What a Guide Dog Can't , " New York Times ...
This workbook focuses on the support systems provided for disabled people by the state, charities, the general public, family and social networks and by professionals.
Human Rights: Disability Issues : Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Human Rights, Disability Issues, Held in Vancouver,...
The book seeks to pay the right attention to the condition of women with disabilities, offering points for reflection, also on the different, often invisible, cultural and social undertones that continue today to feed into prejudicial ...
An empowering collection of essays on the author's experiences in the disability justice movement.
... einzige – große Studie zum Markt- potential der Barrierefreiheit, die vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie herausgegebene Studie „Ökonomische Impulse eines barrierefreien Tourismus für alle“,106 postuliert zwar auf ...
This workbook introduces the main topics in the course disability - changing practice, part of K665.