Disability Law: Cases, Materials, Problems takes a broad approach to understanding how disability discrimination laws apply to the kinds of cases attorneys, policymakers, and judges are likely to face. The new Fifth Edition adds analysis and discussion of the ADA Amendments Act throughout the book. It reorganizes and adds new cases and materials in the employment law chapter, including cases on harassment and retaliation based on disability. It also pays more attention to procedural issues (burden of proof), remedies and defenses, litigation and dispute resolution, and insurance. It adds a problem-based approach with chapters and sections of chapters beginning with a hypothetical scenario to be used as a basis for applying the substantive law. It also adds expanded Notes at the end of each section.
Understanding Disability Law
Accordingly, 'self-help' may often be your most, or your only, viable strategy. But how to proceed? This book serves as a badly needed practical guide to disability discrimination law.
... criminal proceedings 88-9 Crisis Standards of Care ( CSCs ) 156-7 defenses 76-9 Department of Education ( DOE ) 21 Department of Justice ( DOJ ) 21 , 23 , 24 , 45-6 , 118 , 158 , 161 , 171 Department of Transportation ( DOT ) 21 , 82 ...
In Social Security Disability Law and the American Labor Market, Jon C. Dubin challenges the contemporary policies for determining disability benefits and work assessment.
This casebook examines the development of disability rights law and policy in the United States and abroad and can be used as either a law or graduate school teaching tool....
The fifth edition includes significant focus on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including its 2008 Amendment and accompanying regulations.
Examines how the framing of disability has serious implications for legal, medical, and policy treatments of disability.
See generally Blanck et al., The Emerging Workforce of Entrepreneurs with Disabilities, supra note 2. 10. See PETER DAVID BLANCK, COMMUNICATING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, TRANSCENDING COMPLIANCE: 1996 FOLLOW-UP REPORT ON SEARS ...
To view or download the 2021 supplement to this book click here. The Sixth Edition of Disability Law provides a comprehensive overview of the major laws relating to discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
This book examines the changing relationship between disability and the law, addressing the intersection of human rights principles, human rights law, domestic law and the experience of people with disabilities.