This clearly-written Understanding treatise includes coverage of both traditional and nontraditional families, nonmarital and postmarital contracts, annulment, paternity and legitimacy, procreation rights, contraception, abortion, sterilization, artificially assisted conception, adoption and termination of parental rights. Understanding Family Law explains specific family law issues, such as intrafamily tort immunity and liability, medical care for child and spouse, wrongful life and wrongful birth, domestic violence, PINS, ethical issues for the lawyer, alternative dispute resolution, equitable distribution, community property, and child custody and visitation.
Understanding Family Law will examine the key concepts of rights, responsibilities, welfare, protection, consent and parentage.
Understanding Family Law is a clear and concise book for students of family law. The text is easy to digest, and even the most complex issues are presented in a user-friendly way.
This volume examines the state of family law in America.
I have no doubt that this book will become an invaluable tool for family and children's court judges and magistrates, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, police and the many other professionals who work in this field.
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 The Nat'l Marriage Project, Kay Hymowtiz, Jason S. Carroll, W. Bradford Wilcox, & Kelleen Kaye, ... Daniel T. Lichter & Zhenchoa Qian, Serial Cohabitation and the Marital Life Course, ...
This book encourages our use of psychological research and methods to inform understandings of family law. It considers issues including child custody, intimate partner violence, marriage and divorce, and child and elder maltreatment.
Discusses a variety of issues concerning child custody, including court structures, living arrangements, recommendations on avoiding court battles, and advice on working with lawyers.
Understanding Family Law is a clear and concise book for students of family law. The text is easy to digest, and even the most complex issues are presented in a user-friendly way.
This book is a superb companion for law students and practitioners alike, and can readily be used in a traditional theory-based class and in practicum courses.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (center) is flanked by David Levy (right) and David W. Smith, Jr. (left) during one of Dave Levy's frequent visits to Judge Ginsburg's office. Levy frequently quoted Judge Ginsburg, ...