Bost, 29 SE. 848 (NO. 1898) (former manager of opera house, on deathbed and stricken with paralysis, made gift causa mortis to housekeeper). 3” See, e.g., Scherer v. Hyland, 380 A.2d 698 (NJ. 1977); In re Estate of Smith, 694 A.2d 1099 ...
"This practical guide provides a succinct overview of the principles of the common law of property in Canada's common law provinces and territories and a guide to the history and fundamental principles of Aboriginal title.
Understanding Intellectual Property Law
Understanding the Law of Zoning and Land Use Controls is divided into the following six parts: Part 1: Fundamental Concepts: The Police Power, Takings, and Zoning Part 2: The Zoning Forms of Action Part 3: Economic Discrimination and Zoning ...
After a comprehensive Introduction in Chapter 1, the general areas covered in the remaining chapters include: • Patents • Trade Secrets • Copyright • Trademarks, and • Other Intellectual Property Rights such as: • Design ...
The text of Understanding Criminal Law encourages students to consider the approach these philosophies would take to a particular matter under discussion, thus providing an excellent learning tool for gaining a firm understanding of how our ...
Understanding the Law of Zoning and Land Use Controls
" In approachable For Dummies fashion, this book gives you a better understanding of the important property law concepts and aids in the reading and analysis of cases, statutes, and regulations.
Explains how intangible assets such as contractual debts or equitable entitlements may be assigned under English law.
Understanding California Community Property Law is the first volume of its kind to present and to extend the field.
Licence and a constructive trust This meant that the Court of Appeal, still spearheaded by Lord Denning, had an opportunity to build on Errington23 in Binions v Evans.24 Key case: Binions v Evans [1972] Ch 359 Mrs Evans' husband was ...