A celebration of the meaning and comfort printed books bring to our homes and lives, from the curation and design experts at Juniper Books. Explore the significance of the home library, embellished with alluring photography and illustrations, in a keepsake worthy of any bibliophile's collection. For the Love of Books shares the vision of Juniper Books, a business that embraces the roles that books fulfill in our lives and their staying power. It recounts the history of books and private libraries, and champions the resilience of books in the digital era. Dive into the nuances that define books for reading, books for decoration, and books for inspiration. Instructive chapters provide useful details for creating and curating one's own home library, whether it be a single shelf or multiple rooms each with their own collection. You will never look at your bookshelves the same way again. For the Love of Books is about storytelling beyond the pages of our favorite books. Our books--the ones we choose to keep--tell the story of who we are. They remind us who we once were and who we aspire to be. Thatcher Wine founded Juniper Books in 2001. The company creates custom libraries and has perfected the art of turning books inside out to allow for books to tell stories not just to us, but about us. Working with booklovers, homeowners, and designers, Juniper Books has provided the world with a fresh new approach to the printed book. Thatcher grew up in New York City where his parents owned and operated The Quilted Giraffe, one of the most innovative restaurants in America. Thatcher graduated from Dartmouth College with a degree in history and art history and lives in Boulder, Colorado. Elizabeth Lane is the founder of Quarterlane, a quarterly subscription book service which merged with Juniper Books in 2018. She is also the book buyer for her local independent bookstore, Partners Village Store and Kitchen in Westport, Massachusetts. Prior to working in books, Elizabeth worked in contemporary visual art--in galleries, nonprofit initiatives and museums in New York, Austin, and Chicago. Elizabeth graduated from Davidson College with a degree in art history and received her masters degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Shows antique pottery and porcelain and lists current prices
Sloan's Green Guide to Antiquing in New England, 1991-1992
Yang mana untuk peserta didik almustawa al-awwal diajarakan kitab jurumiyah, sedangkan untuk peserta didik al-mustawa al-mutawatsit diberikan kitab kawakib adduriyah, dan untuk peserta didik al-mustawa al-mutaqoddim diberikan kitab ...
Braynard, Frank O. & Miller, William H. Fifty Famous Liners, Volumes 1—3. Cambridge, England: Patrick Stephens Limited, 1982—86. Bunker, John W. Harbor & Haven: An Illustrated History of the Port of New York.
entranCe to Charlotte hall Military aCaDeMy. Charlotte Hall School was established by act of the Maryland General Assembly in April 1774 to provide a unified free school for the counties of Charles, St. Mary's, and Prince George's.
This is a difficult question and in the absence of any contemporary Dublin work dealing with the make up of trades it is worth again consulting R. Campbell's London Tradesman of 1747, which earlier in this chapter gave us a detailed ...
Identification and values of over 50, 000 antiques and collectibles.
1.3 From Latin America with Hate, 1975, Marisa Rueda, courtesy of the artist States. She uses the inherent qualities of the ceramic material. A body shape or form made in soft clay can be allowed to slump in this way.
Un zorrito despierta con hambre inmensa y sale a recolectar huevos.
The Yellow Creek Story by L.M. (Yellow Creek) Watson as told to A.D. Holcombe reproduction to get this valuabe story back into circulation for the rabbit hunters.