Triple your sales and quadruple your business in 90 days with joint venture partnerships.
Guerrilla Marketing for Writers is packed with proven insights and advice, it details 100 ÒClassified secretsÓ that will help autho
Effective Guerrilla Marketing starts with market research and defining your target market or prospects. ... The more you know about marketing, and the more you know about your customers and prospects, the more creative your ideas will ...
Ride on the natural partnership between Guerrilla Marketing and Facebook. The synergy between Facebook and Guerrilla Marketing is hard to dismiss or ignore.
Effective Guerrilla Marketing starts with market research and defining your target market or prospects. Your market research time is the important time that ... See Volume 1, Section 1.1, “Research and Knowing,” for more information.
New Strategies, Tactics, and Weapons for Winning Big Profits for Your Small Business Jay Conrad Levinson. GUERRILLA MARKETING ATTACK New Strategies , Tactics , and Weapons for Winning Big Profits for Your Small Business Jay Conrad ...
Based on years of personal experience, the author's guide to mastering the art of marketing offers chapters on media, online marketing, psychology, technology, and much more. Original.
An award-winning former journalist, he continues to write about popular culture, advertising, and new media for The Atlantic, among other publications. In the Postmillennial Pop series
The guru of the Guerrilla Marketing series, with over a million copies in print, teaches entrepreneurs how to market aggressively without spending one cent.
This book will guide marketers into the world of positioning and selling products and services.
Imagine how much time it would save to video product demonstrations and instructions, sales messages, mini-ecourses, and marketing tips! Even better, creating videos for distribution via e-mail is now a relatively easy process, ...