This professional resource equips K-12 students with the skills they need to be critical readers in the 21st century. Today's reader is reading across multiple genres, on phones and tablets, with text in hand, and also online, and this helpful book provides educators with techniques on how to teach students to read on every platform and in every genre, to struggle with text, and to break through to new ideas when reading text. It focuses on the habits that students must form in order to gain the confidence to access all texts across all platforms. Each chapter is devoted to developing the five habits for successful reading: reading closely, widely, critically, deeply, and purposefully. Grounded in the latest research, the easy-to-implement strategies and instructional methods will help students cultivate strong reading skills in the 21st century classroom.
From whip to hand: Once your horse is confident being touched on the neck or head with the whip, work towards rubbing it with the whip for several seconds. Once this is possible, hold your other hand partially down the handle of the ...
... source-code control 3.4 Escape from Gilligan's Island A complete list of classic mistakes would go on for pages more, but those presented are the most common and the most serious. As Seattle University's David Umphress points out, ...
See Patricia Herlihy, “Commerce and Architecture in Late Imperial Russia,” in William Craft Brumfield et al. (eds.), Commerce in Russian Urban Culture, 1861–1914 (Washington, D.C., 2001), pp.185–86; Herlihy, Odessa: A History, 1794–1914 ...
The second part of the book consists of transcripts of two tape-recordings made by Bion in 1977.
An anthology of short stories based on real life episodes.A politician, factional war-lord,a big bully,an arrogant spouse, a receiver of stolen propery and other lawless elements were subdued by an upright poloice oficer; at times stepping ...
By the time he turned 12 twelve, J. S. Rarey could tame virtually any wild horse. Across the country he gained an international reputation as a horse tamer and in 1856 he published this little book on the subject.
... 179 Long, M., 183 Long, R., 181 Lunde, D., 183 lynx,79 Ma, L. R. Gu, 158, 179 Ma, T., 181 Mackenzie River, delta, 2–3, 170 MacKinnon, J., 183 MacNeil, M.D., 175 Maksimov, A. N., 179 Manchuria, 10–11, 36 Mangilaluk, Inuvialuit chief, ...
Taming the Wild Horse examines Gao's illustrated poems in terms of monasticism and contemplative practice, as well as the multivalent meaning of the "horse" in traditional Chinese culture and the consequences for both human and nonhuman ...
In lyrical prose, he leads readers from bedrooms and laboratories to factories and battlefields to Henry David Thoreau's famous cabin at Walden Pond, telling the stories of troubled sleepers, hibernating peasants, sleepwalking preachers, ...
For more on the ecological history of Manhattan Island, see Eric W. Sanderson, Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City (New York: Abrams, 2009). The first published recounting of this farmer's tale seems to have been in the 1896 ...