Presents information about 160 North American bird species, including facts about physical features, voice, habitat, food, and a map indicating the regions in which each species can be found.
Of this book's 192 pages, 160 are devoted to North America's top species, one per page, from the lowly House Wren to the majestic Bald Eagle.
Covers more than 150 species of North American birds and includes nearly 300 full-color photos, 150 range maps and 500 additional illustrations, as well as tips on feeding, birdhouses and creating bird-friendly backyard landscapes.
head pattern more poorly defined than Bachman's Botteri's Sparrow streaked upperparts slightly larger bill than Cassin's buffy, unstreaked rear flanks - - - juvenile texana ...rather ...
An authoritative series of compact regional bird field guides surveys the diverse bird species in a variety of popular birding hotspots, along with helpful identification tips, detailed descriptions, full-color artwork and photographs, new ...
Evans helps you discover popular insect species as well as spiders and relation creatures, as well as key facts and information about life cycles and behavior of every species.
Profiles one hundred-sixty of the most common North American wildflowers and weeds, accompanied by a color photograph and illustration for easy identification.
Geared to meet the same standards of excellence as our previous pocket guides, this book is tailored to the needs of an eager beginner.
CROWNED NIGHT-HERON - Nycticoraxmycticorax 25inst tim 44 insis?cm) - - ftheir nesting colony is disturbed, the young Black-crowned Night-Herons will poop and puke on theintruder. Their strategy mustwork—the Black-crowned is the most ...
Essential, comprehensive, and easy to use, National Geographic Complete Book of Birds is an astonishing resource that covers every bird species in North America, as well as all the migrants...
A field guide to help backyard explorers, hikers, and nature lovers discover and identify North America's diverse community of reptiles and amphibians.