A simple look at the world of wetlands.
Rodríguez S. , J. R. , González , L. , Marín , G. , y R. Egáñez . 1984. El tendido eléctrico Margarita tierra firme y su impacto sobre la avifauna de la Laguna de Chacopata . Acta Cient . Venez . 35 ( S1 ) : 154 .
Freeman , C. , Lock , M. A , and Reynolds , B. , Impacts of climate change on peatland hydrochemistry : A laboratory - based experiment . Chemistry and Ecology 8 , 1993 , pp . 49-59 . Fulford , M. Allen , J. and Rippon , S. , The ...
The Facts On File Marine Science Handbook. New York: Facts On File, 2003. An excellent resource that includes information on marine physical factors and living things as well as the people who have been important in ocean studies.
The stories are fascinating and bring to light the childhood, educational years, and career development of highly revered scientists - things you would never have known about some of the legends of the science, including hardships, career ...
The purpose of this publication is to report the findings of the Service's wetlands inventory of New Jersey and to summarize existing information on New Jersey's wetlands.