Taking his point of departure from the newest frontier of research, McCann reads the psalms in the context of their final shape and canonical form. He interprets the psalms as scripture as well as in their character as songs, prayers, and poetry from Israel's history. McCann's intent is to contribute to the church's recovery of the psalms as torah--as instruction, as a guide to prayer, praise of God, and pious living. The explicit connections which McCann draws from the psalms to the New Testament and to Christian faith and life are extensive, making his work suitable for serious study of the psalms in academic and in church settings. An appendix examines the tradition of singing the psalms and offers suggestions for the use of the psalms in worship.
nouncement that God is about to speak (v. 16a). This final word from God completes the psalm (vv. ... Westermann has broken down his two basic categories of psalms, praise and lament, into individual lament and community lament.
William L. Holladay, The Psalms through Three Thousand Years: Prayerbook of a Cloud of Witnesses (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1993), 100. I am deeply indebted to Holladay's excellent discussion of the Psalms in worship. 6.
Jesus died with a psalm on his lips. For millennia, humans have been shaped by the Psalms. And before the Nazis banned him from publishing, German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer published this book on the Psalms.
Journey inside the pages of Scripture to meet a personal God who enters individual lives and begins a creative work from the inside out.
James Mays convincingly argues that the declaration "The Lord reigns" is not only a statement of faith but a statement of a particular worldview: that is, there is a God, and all of reality can be understood only in terms of God and God's ...
AN INTERTEXTUAL READING OF PSALMS 22, 23, AND 24 NANCY L. deCLAISSE-WALFORD '1_1!3_f1[;j HQ? ... and William L. Holladay, The Psalms through Three Thousand Years: Prayerbook of a Cloud of Witnesses (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1993) 77.
This book is designed to help preachers find and use the riches of the Psalms for preaching. The authors address the perception that the Psalms often go neglected in preparing for one of the central acts of worship: preaching.
Selections from the Book of Psalms
These essays explore the full range of emotion expressed in the Psalms—from elation to distress—while weaving together observations from biblical scholarship and theology.
McCann is an international expert on the Psalms, and here he presents his insights with a passion for the church and its life today. This book contains study questions for group or individual use.