Remember When

Remember When
Remember when
Biography & Autobiography
Trafford on Demand Pub
Michael W. R. Ewen


Remember When is a love letter from Michael William Rhodes Ewen to his beloved wife Adriana in honor of their twentieth wedding anniversary. The stories of their first meeting, their courtship, their wedding, and their marriage form the foundation of their life together. We have come so far and grown so close since that cool crisp autumn day over twenty years ago, when we first met in the twilight of our youth. We caught each other's eye for a brief second and exchanging a simple greeting that consisted of nothing more than saying hi to each other, as Adriana moved her long slender gorgeous body around me and settled into the back seat of Uncle Herman's car. It is overpowering and awe-inspiring to look back and reflect on how far we have come and how close we have become since that first simple encounter so many years ago. We have shared many wonderful experiences over the past twenty-one years; and yet, as the years slipped by and time moved on, the days, months and years started to blend together until it became difficult to remember the order and time of so many special and wonderful moments that we shared.

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