This is a comprehensive text that takes a theoretically balanced, student-centred approach to social problems.
The text progresses from a micro- to macro-level of analysis, focusing first on such problems as illness and health care, drugs and alcohol, and family problems, and then broadening to the larger issues of poverty and inequality, population ...
Every chapter defines the nature of the social problem in a global context as well as U.S. The text explores each of the three major theoretical explanations (in a balanced manner), describes the consequences of the problem, and provides ...
Available at Munnell, Alicia H., Matthew S. Rutledge, and Anthony Webb. 2015 (March). “Are Retirees Falling Short? ... Available at Nelson, Todd D. 2011. “Ageism: The Strange Case of Prejudice against the ...
This text has strong pedagogical features and is comprehensive in its coverage, progressing from micro to macro levels of analysis.
The volume is organized into six sections, addressing the medicalization of human problems; the social construction of health problems; social movements; gender; race and class and the provision of health care; and medical accountability.
of functionalism and conflict theory help provide a framework through which students can analyze why social problems exist in the present social framework and how they are experienced by individuals. The micro field, including symbolic ...
The book includes substantive studies of current and emerging issues and explores the role of the media in the presentation and discussion of social problems and policy responses.
Angles of Vision is a compact text that provides students with basic information about social problems and teaches them a strategy for understanding these issues.